Youtube Channel
Youtube Channel --->>>
Add My YouTube Channel widget to the widget area or shortcode to post/page content, set Channel ID or Playlist ID, chose resource to use and keep defaults for all other options. And voila! You will get the latest video from chosen YouTube channel or playlist.
If WordFence or other malware scan tool detect My YouTube Channel file youtube-channel.php as a potential risk because base64_encode() and base64_decode() functions, remember that we use this two functions to store and restore JSON feeds to transient cache, so potential detection is false positive.
If My YouTube Channel clash with a premium theme or plugin, we can help you only if you help us. Ask theme/plugin author for approval to provide a package to us for debugging on local development domain youtube-channel.wp.
YTC ERROR: Please check did you set the proper Channel ID. You choose to show videos from the channel, but YouTube does not recognize MyCoolLegacyName as an existing or public channel.
Note that both resources are playlists (including uploads to channel), so append mentioned ID to field playlistId (not to id), and click Execute button at the bottom of that page.
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt agreed Monday to set up a YouTube channel exclusively for South Korean pop music, as he began a visit aimed at expanding his company's presence in the country. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1449240174198-2'); }); The pledge came when Schmidt met President Lee Myung-Bak, Lee's office said.
Schmidt agreed to bolster the overseas popularity of South Korean pop by establishing a YouTube channel and also pledged to support Internet start-up firms in South Korea, the office said in a statement.
The Help for Young Adults & Millennials category on the How To channel has a playlist with seven videos about how to pay for your education. The Help with Marriage and Parenting category has 15 playlists. There are 10 videos just on how to strengthen commitment in marriage. You can watch videos on topics like resolving differences, making decisions, understanding and avoiding debt, understanding anxiety, developing confidence and much more.
TODAY, YESTERDAY, LAST_7_DAYS, THIS_WEEK_SUN_TODAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_14_DAYS, LAST_30_DAYS, LAST_BUSINESS_WEEK, LAST_WEEK_SUN_SAT, THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH, ALL_TIME. Example: var stats = youTubeChannel.getStatsFor(\"THIS_MONTH\");Arguments:NameTypeDescriptiondateRangeStringDate range for which the stats are requested.Return values:TypeDescriptionAdsApp.StatsThe stats for the specified date range.getStatsFor(dateFrom, dateTo)Returns stats for the specified custom date range. Both parameters can be either an object containing year, month, and day fields, or an 8-digit string in YYYYMMDD form. For instance, March 24th, 2013 is represented as either {year: 2013, month: 3, day: 24} or \"20130324\". The date range is inclusive on both ends, so forDateRange(\"20130324\", \"20130324\") defines a range of a single day.Arguments:NameTypeDescriptiondateFromObjectStart date of the date range. Must be either a string in YYYYMMDD form, or an object with year, month and day properties.dateToObjectEnd date of the date range. Must be either a string in YYYYMMDD form, or an object with year, month and day properties.Return values:TypeDescriptionAdsApp.StatsThe stats for the specified date range.isEnabled()Returns true if the YouTube channel is enabled.Return values:TypeDescriptionbooleantrue if the YouTube channel is enabled.isManaged()Returns true if the YouTube channel is managed. Returns false if the placement is automatic.Return values:TypeDescriptionbooleantrue if the YouTube channel is managed.isPaused()Returns true if the YouTube channel is paused.Return values:TypeDescriptionbooleantrue if the YouTube channel is paused.remove()Removes the YouTube channel. Returns nothing.
If you missed our inaugural In The Loupe episode, not to worry! We posted it on our ASMP YouTube Channel for everyone to see. It was great to hear Joe Giordano talk about his work and the work of other less known night photographers. Like and subscribe to our channel today! 781b155fdc