Nike Sq Dymo2 Driver Instructions EXCLUSIVE
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Was having problems with distance and accuracy.Swing speed was 65 to 75 and with my driver from my set had a stiff shaft.Some of my drives were really off and short.Got the dymo2 S Flex shat and went to the driving range.Am now hitting the ball straighter and 20 to 30 yards further. Love this club.
Hello everyoneI score in the high 70´s. I am a bit of a classic golfer. I think all clubs should look like blades and pear shaped woods. All other stuff look ugly.I have played a titleist 983, 10.5, driver for the last 5 years. Classic shape, a real beauty. Having tried drivers with more loft made me realize that I many times can hit the driver higher, equally long and with more control. Since I don´t have the time to golf that I want, (wife and three kids), I thought that this was a way to go. More loft. So I came over this nike with plenty of loft for peanut money. Ugly like hell, sounds like a cobradriver, but something made me feel that I could find som use for this driver. I have tried it now for a few times. Basically I drive this club the same length as my titleist, but with more control. Plenty of control. Nike claim it to be straight, and I would have to agree on that. I bit straighter than my titleist. Since I don´t play that much, I will play the nike driver whenever possible. Driving with ease. But if i´m well trained and get to play a litte bit more, I will be 15 yards longer with the titleist 2b1af7f3a8