The decision of Blizzard to severely punish professionals World of Warcraft WoTLK Gold player Blitzchung has already been criticized by players across the political spectrum as well as from the gaming community. A second prominent person has joined the chorus by offering his opinions that of the initial World of Warcraft World Champion.
"I am in agreement that he's not allowed to do this. It's definitely contrary to the rules of Grandmasters," Kostesich said. "But it's absolutely absurd how much he was penalized for this. It's likely that there's something else going on, like they want to make a mockery of him or somethingelse, because it's really ridiculous. I believe they're completely wrong to penalize the guy that severely: completely murdering his World of Warcraft career, or even attempting to do so. It's very disappointing to see. I'd like them to assist their athletes more. If I use the player as an example isn't a good feeling for me."
Kostesich's comments are just the latest in a series brutal criticisms directed at Blizzard that have included current US Senators and other companies that compete with Blizzard and even some of Blizzard's employees. Kibler has resigned from his role as a Grandmasterscaster in protest.
The incident started the moment Ng Wai Chung aka "Blitzchung" declared the support of Hong Kong protests during a post-match interview. Blizzard declared that the action was against its rules against conduct that "brings the person into disrepute or offends a particular portion or buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold group of people or in any way harms reputation of the company." In retaliation, Chung was banned from sporting events for a period of one year and ordered to forfeit his $10.000 of winnings.
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