Drivers Dvb T Tv Stick Tvisto Zip
Hi, I've purchased a \"Yakumo Quickstick TV easy\" and it doesn't work after compiling and installing the modules. Its vendor and product id ara 0x14aa and 0x620, and it does not appear in modules.usbmap. So I think it's not defined... ßingen.
The latest Freecom/Yacumo usb stick has a Realtek 2831U chipset and any of the following usb id's: 14aa:0160, 0bda:2831, 2304:022b, 185b:0100, 13d3:3216, 13d3:3220, 13d3:3236, 13d3:3244, 08dd:2103. Latest Windows drivers dates january 2007 and can be downloaded at
UPDATE: Realtek submitted a v0.0.2 of their driver feb 20th 2008. This has been confirmed to function for this Freecom (or Conceptronic) stick with usb id: 14aa:0160 on a kernel. This stick has a MT2061F tuner chip, but this driver also supports the MLX5005 tuner chip. No additional firmware file is needed.
UPDATE: \"Anttip\" linuxtv HG [182] repository has EC168 development drivers (not yet part of Kernel v4l drivers), which work with EC168 based dvb-t sticks (18b4:1689 device id). Numerous other re-branded sticks use the same chipset.
In case a manufacturer provides open source drivers the patches can be sent to the linux-media mailinglist Linux-Media Mailing List (LMML). Keep in mind however that if the license isn't compatible with the Linux kernel or the quality of the code isn't good enough, these will not become a part of the Linux kernel.
NOTE:As linux media drivers are character based, drivers can be also written using libfuse's character device in userspace example.If written that way, an out-of-kernel driver can be written, which fully integrates to udev without the disadvantage of closed source or incompatibility to other drivers. Such driver would rely on kernel fuse and character device in user space support as well as libfuse. 153554b96e